Not sure what are pulse oximeters are and how they work? Pulse oximetry is a non-invasive and painless test that measures your oxygen saturation level or the oxygen levels in your blood. It can rapidly detect even small changes in how efficiently oxygen is being carried to the extremities furthest from the heart, including the legs and the arms.
A pulse oximeter is a small, clip-like device that attaches to your finger, and is most commonly used in emergency rooms or hospitals. In order for the assessment to be performed correctly, it must be done by a trained medical professional.
The purpose of pulse oximetry is to check how well your heart is pumping oxygen through your body. It may be used to monitor the health of individuals with any type of condition that can affect blood oxygen levels, especially while they’re in the hospital. These conditions include:
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
lung cancer
heart attack or heart failure
congenital heart defects
How it works
During a pulse oximetry reading, a small clamp-like device is placed on a finger. Small beams of light pass through the blood in the finger, measuring the amount of oxygen. It does this by measuring changes in light absorption in oxygenated or deoxygenated blood. The patient will not feel the pulse oximeter working as it’s a non invasive process. The pulse oximeter will be able to tell you your oxygen saturation levels along with your heart rate. The device can be left on your finger for ongoing monitoring or can be used to take a single reading. Wearing nail varnish can have an affect on the results from the pulse oximeter, as the light can’t penetrate painted nail correctly.
Here are a few pulse oximeters from our range
ADC Advantage 2200 Digital Fingertip Pulse Oximeter
The ADC Advantage 2200 is a portable digital fingertip pulse oximeter suitable for home-use, sports or aviation use.Accurate SpO2 and pulse rate readings. Features include:
Two changeable display modes
Bright LED display
Fits fingers with a thickness of .31″ to .79″
Two AAA batteries
1-year limited warranty
ADC ADIMALS 2150 Paediatric Digital Fingertip Pulse Oximeter
The latest paediatric fingertip pulse oximeter from ADC can provide SpO2 and pulse rate readings.Accurate readings. Features include:
Six chargeable display modes
Dual-colour OLED display with brightness settings
Fits fingers with a thickness of .3″ to 0.44″
2 AAA batteries included
2-year warranty
ADC Diagnostix 2100 Digital Fingertip Pulse Oximeter

A portable, feature-rich pulse oximeter that provides spot readings of SpO2 and heart rate for the busy healthcare professional. Features include:Reads SpO2 and Pulse Rate
Accuracy: SpO2 ±2-3% / HR ±5 BPM
6 changeable display modes
10 Display brightness settings
25% smaller than competing models
Dual colour OLED display
Complete with carrying Lanyard and Black Rubberized Bumper
MS-74002 Deluxe Fingertip Pulse Oximeter

The MS-74002 Deluxe Fingertip Pulse Oximeter is a small, lightweight and portable device suitable for use with either adults or children. Provides fast, reliable SpO2, pulse rate and pulse strength measurements on patients from paediatric to adult. Features include:Simple and convenient one-button operation
SpO2%, PR and Pleth waveforms are displayed on a screen
SpO2%, Range: 70-99%
Pulse Range: 30-235bpm
2 Colour Display
Adjustable brightness of background light (10 Levels)
Auto Power Shut Down After No Pulse Detection/Search.
Still not sure which is suitable for you?
The pulse oximeter listed above are a combination of our best sellers and staff favourites. We offer a complete range of pulse oximeters including hand held options plus an extensive range of replacements and consumables. To view our full range click here.
Alternatively, email us at and we will be happy to help.
Prices listed were accurate at the point of publishing.